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Thread: Pf's sprites
Post: Pf's sprites
https://fc04.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2014/288/8/8/jared_by_prince_freeza-d82w8fd.png https://fc04.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2014/285/6/1/bruce_lee_by_prince_freeza-d82k3qx.png https://s6.postimg.cc/qhhd6h4...
10 Replies 22,148 Views
Thread: Pf's artworks
Post: Pf's artworks
Hello, i will share some artworks mostly old ones from my blog: https://static.tumblr.com/04584976873f2da0164e4a5cd7e0d649/iomwucr/mMRngy65s/tumblr_static_2jdffj5t87k0cwg0c4swwokcw.png (https://pfart...
6 Replies 14,560 Views
Thread: Pf's sprites
Post: RE: Pf's sprites
MangaD Wrote: (15-10-2014, 01:26 PM) -- This edit looks much more complex to me than the other two, as it involves many more character parts than the previous ones. -- i am actually going to sprite h...
10 Replies 22,148 Views
Thread: Pf's sprites
Post: RE: Pf's sprites
i have been eager to do a new sprite for so long, whats been holding me back is that for one my tab doesn't work and on top of it i have no mouse, anyway i managed to do something simple this time ht...
10 Replies 22,148 Views
Thread: Pf's sprites
Post: RE: Pf's sprites
https://fc04.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2014/288/8/8/jared_by_prince_freeza-d82w8fd.png Jared
10 Replies 22,148 Views
Thread: Pf's artworks
Post: RE: Pf's artworks
Heater https://40.media.tumblr.com/a31acbed2c7e7ab09b09c78cdda2b1d0/tumblr_ngyemaB1Uk1srt92oo1_400.jpg
6 Replies 14,560 Views
Thread: Leon's Spriting / Edits
Post: RE: Raja's Spriting / Edits
why don't you try something new for a change :) don't get me wrong your stuff look nice but you keep editing and recoloring standing poses every time, you are limiting your self.. you should try takin...
17 Replies 31,693 Views
Thread: Pf's artworks
Post: RE: Pf's artworks
Hello, i will share some artworks mostly old ones from my blog: https://static.tumblr.com/04584976873f2da0164e4a5cd7e0d649/iomwucr/mMRngy65s/tumblr_static_2jdffj5t87k0cwg0c4swwokcw.png (https://pfart...
6 Replies 14,560 Views