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Thread: Blazing Gale's Edits
Post: RE: Gruzmark Denis's Edits
Both new ones are excellent!
43 Replies 66,288 Views
Thread: New Forum Theme
Post: RE: New Forum Theme
Wow. I left and THIS happened
4 Replies 7,904 Views
Thread: Blazing Gale's Edits
Post: RE: Blazing Gale's Edits
I thought His Name ws Denis?
43 Replies 66,288 Views
Thread: I don't find a 'Change email' option
Post: I don't find a 'Change email' option
Okay. This acoount has an outdated email address that is deleted from yahoo.  I need to change it but I couldn't find a place to do so. The launcher beside your username doesnot have it. The user C...
1 Replies 3,529 Views
Thread: Ban the member above u!
Post: RE: Ban the member above u!
I ban you beacuse Noone eye's are wierd
89 Replies 117,099 Views
Thread: Write a weird story
Post: RE: Write a weird story
[tab=3] And then the creature - now called Azrael - rested for a bit. HE....ah, the man called Shad must have been male.... [tab=3] Azrael practised movement, kicking and punching the air wildly. H...
11 Replies 16,484 Views